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Online Design Consult - Room in a Box
Professional Services

Item ID Starting Bid Bids Current Bid
88675 $50.00 2 $75.00

Winning Bid Amount


Value: $500

Donated by: Jennifer Owens & Leslie Lockhart of Kaleidoscope Designs


Twitter: @KalDesignsInc

Facebook Page:

Description: Room in a Box is a design service offered by Kaleidoscope Designs for people who wish to be more involved with the design process. This service offers you the flexibility to have more control over the budget and overall outcome. Our Room in a Box will provide you with everything you need to redesign any room in your home. 

 You will receive a custom-design plan created by Leslie and Jennifer that includes a photo of each item we source for your room, where to purchase (online or brick and mortar shops) plus the cost of each item. We usually provide two options for each piece of furniture or paint colour etc. We also provide you with a hand drawn colour sketch of what we envision your space to look like if you choose to use all items we suggest in the plan. The whole process is done via email. We will ask you to provide us with some photos of your space along with some measurements and your budget. We also ask, if possible, for inspirational photos from either Houzz or Pinterest. Once we’ve completed your room we will email PDF files of our work along with the drawing.

Note: One room only. No limitations in terms of location, all done via email. No Cash Value. Please remember 100% of the funds raised go to helping Ottawa fur kids in need.